Sherry is the Administrative Coordinator at NDS. If you are a new mom inquiring with us for support, chances are you may speak with Sherry first! 

Sherry was born and raised in Kennett, Missouri…a small town in the bootheel where everyone knows your name.  Sherry attended Arkansas State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication.  A few weeks after graduation, Sherry went to visit her best friend who had just moved to Franklin, TN.  After a few days, Sherry knew this was where she wanted to be.  Almost 25 years later, middle-TN is now “home”.

Sherry worked as a director for a women's non-profit organization for over 17 years.  She was a stay at home mom for many years following that, and leads a local women's ministry called MUMlife Community; a unique and passionate ministry for the sisterhood of mothers. 

Sherry has a true passion for supporting mothers.  Encouraging them at their most vulnerable times is something she feels very strongly about.  She loves the mission at Nashville Doula Services and what we provide mothers to make the best decisions for their family.

Sherry and her husband Dave married in 2010, and nine months later they had a sweet baby girl named Addison. They live in Thompsons Station and attend GraceLand Church Franklin.  Sherry enjoys being active on the school’s PTA and attending school athletic events.